Kaffe Fassett Reducing Lens

Kaffe Fassett Reducing Lens
Kaffe Fassett Reducing Lens
Kaffe Fassett Reducing Glass or reduce lens works like a magnifier in reverse. Designs shrink to appear as viewed from a distance. Ideal for small work areas with no space to view the designs. A quilter can see how fabric or a quilt will look from across the room with this small reducing lens, viewer.
Perfect for planning a quilt design and handy for trips to the quilt store. Will allow you to see your artwork from a distance perspective while being close to your artwork. Allows you to critique your artwork for visual balance and symmetry. This lens is the opposite of a magnifier, it will make things look smaller and more distant so you don't have to get up and walk away to view your work. Perfect for Watercolor, Millefiori or Pixel quilts.